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AI in Education – Beyond the Hype

This training is facilitated by Mark Anderson (strategic speaker, trainer and consultant in all things AI in Education & EdTech and author of The Little Book of Generative AI Prompts)

Beyond the hype an impactful, approach to using AI in education. For KS3 through to KS4/5, covering Middle to Senior Leaders and Support Staff.

Key Objectives:

  1. To understand what AI is, what it is good at and what it is not good at.
  2. To develop prompt craft.
  3. To understand safeguarding and ethical implications of AI in education.
  4. To understand the current research and evidence surrounding AI in education and its impact on productivity, teaching, and learning.
  5. To understand the implications of AI on academic integrity and assessment practices.
  6. To explore how AI can support and enhance creativity in teaching, learning, and student work.
  7. To develop teachers' confidence and competence in using AI tools for teaching, learning, and administrative tasks.
  8. To explore the role of AI in promoting equity and addressing accessibility in education.
  9. To explore data privacy, security, and governance issues related to AI in education.
  10. To understand the role of AI in shaping the future workforce and how to prepare students for future employability. 
  11. To understand how to use AI to create adaptive learning resources that cater to individual student needs.

The training will include practical hands on activities to put the theory into practice.


Event Properties

Event Date Thu, 13 Feb 2025 9:00 am
Event End Date Thu, 13 Feb 2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date Thu, 06 Feb 2025
Individual Participant Price £200.00 per delegate non-members; Secondary SLA members 2 free places. Lunch and refreshments included.
Event Venue Information
Location GUTP House Training Centre

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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